
Fill roles with the best people for the job

Open the door to an exclusive pool of verified* real estate talent and connect seamlessly with the best candidates at speed.

Don’t stop at one

Post unlimited job ads to our marketplace and hire as many people as you need with our annual subscription of $4995+GST. Monthly membership package available $416.20+GST per month for 12 months.

Settle for the best

Get picky as you explore our pool of exclusive, verified* talent and settle only when you find the perfect candidate. Then just reach out to connect.

Save time and money

Make better recruiting decisions with smarter, faster candidate search. Avoid multiple job boards and expensive one-off ad fees in our centralised marketplace dedicated to connecting real estate employers with the best job seekers.

Showcase your culture

Create an employer profile that helps you stand out from competitors and attract the best talent in the market. Add videos, past work, team structures and company culture.

*Recruit RE has integrated software with Service NSW, verifying licences and certificates of registration and an integration for identity verification. These are not mandatory fields for a job seeker.